A New Me In 2023

It’s that time of the year again, you know, the time that we all focus on manifesting our greatest desires by creating visions boards or writing an extremely specific letter to the universe with the faint smell of white sage incense in the background. Okay so that last part was all me however, I for one have had enough of making promises to myself and dropping the ball by the 6th week of the new year. It’s truly time for a new me. A version of me that I have merely daydreamed of but wouldn’t dare put in the effort to become. This new me isn’t the typical getting in shape, invest in more stocks, creating more streams of income, blah blah blah stuff. My 2023 is all about being at peace with what is. For me, that starts with forgiveness. Forgiving all the failures and disappointments from the years past. I can no longer allow the negative thoughts of what could have been or what I think should be to stunt my growth and happiness.


So, I challenge you and me to write a letter of release. Release the disappointments, release the envy, release the stress, release the bitterness, release the hurt and welcome in the love, the happiness, and the spiritual warmth that being at peace brings. I’m not expecting it to be easy, but I know it will be worth it.


Cheers to a new you and me in 2023.  

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